Monday, August 28, 2017

Mother tongues

"A language penetrates the mind like water, imbues the one who uses it with untranslatable emotions and attitudes and insights. In American she was not the same person, though no more nor less herself." - Kay Maristed, Broken Ground

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Those pleasant things...

"There will no longer be so many pleasant things to look at if responsible people do not do something about the unpleasant ones!" - Madeleine L`Engle, A Wrinkle In Time

Monday, August 7, 2017

Le Québec, une province bicéphale

Photo: La Voix de l'Est, le site de Farnham

Désormais, l`île d`Anticosti est protégée de toute exploration et exploitation pétrolière et gazière. Gaspé, par contre, ne semble pas mériter une telle protection. Et que dire de toute les basses-terres du Saint-Laurent?

Pas de doute, il faut rester aux aguets!