Friends of the Richelieu. A river. A passion.

"Tout cedit pays est fort uny, remply de forests, vignes & noyers. Aucuns Chrestiens n'estoient encores parvenus jusques en cedit lieu, que nous, qui eusmes assez de peine à monter le riviere à la rame. " Samuel de Champlain

"All this region is very level and full of forests, vines and butternut trees. No Christian has ever visited this land and we had all the misery of the world trying to paddle the river upstream." Samuel de Champlain

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

C'est une encéphalopathie de Wernicke!

Il a encore dit à la préposée d'aide à l'hygiène que ses problèmes étaient causés par une ponction lombaire. Ce n'est pas vrai! Il est presque mort à la maison AVANT qu'une ambulance l'emmène à l'hôpital!

Il nie toujours que c'est parce qu'il est alcoolique et qu'il souffre de problèmes neurologiques à cause de dommages causés par l'abus de l'alcool et une mauvaise alimentation.

Son diagnostic est clair: c'est une encéphalopathie de Wernicke.


He is still saying that his problems are due to a lumbar puncture (spinal tap). This week, that is what he was saying to the help that came while he was having a shower. It is not true. He almost died at home BEFORE an ambulance rushed him to the hospital!

He still thinks his alcoholism has nothing to do with the neurological problems he has because he drank too much and did not eat enough!

His diagnostic is very clear: it is Wernicke's encephalopathy.



  1. He cannot make me happy anymore. There is not enough of him left. Alcohol took him away from us.

  2. He was still in the hospital when he asked me (again!) how much the adapted bathroom was costing me. "What if I don't come back home?" he asked. I answered: "Well, I have a sciatica. Maybe I'll need it one day." - "Always the practical one." he replied.
