Friends of the Richelieu. A river. A passion.

"Tout cedit pays est fort uny, remply de forests, vignes & noyers. Aucuns Chrestiens n'estoient encores parvenus jusques en cedit lieu, que nous, qui eusmes assez de peine à monter le riviere à la rame. " Samuel de Champlain

"All this region is very level and full of forests, vines and butternut trees. No Christian has ever visited this land and we had all the misery of the world trying to paddle the river upstream." Samuel de Champlain

Sunday, December 27, 2015

The first snowfall

I let Peony and Poppy out today. There was just enough wet snow on the ground to prevent the squirrel fleas to jump on them, and there was more coming down from the sky to make running away a very wet deed.

The wind was coming from the north-east, so we stayed on the front porch for the most part. Impulsively, Poppy ran into the thicket, but quickly realized that he was getting his paws very wet very quickly. So he came back on the porch to clean them up a bit, then saw the car, and ran under that too. But that meant stepping into the slushy mess again. And so back on the porch to lick, lick, lick.

Meanwhile, Peony did not feel very brave at first, and stayed hidden under the bench. But watching her brother running back and forth, she finally made a few runs herself, staying on the dry cement.

Had the cats decided to run far, there was just enough snow for me to track their steps. The very few cars going by made a lot of noise because of the tires splashing through the melting slush, so that made going in that direction not an option. Besides, thanks to the feeder, we had a flock of chickadees, house finches and goldfinches to keep us company, plus the couple of cardinals that have decided to stay for winter. So the incitement to stay close was enough to keep the cats near me for their first outing of the season.

Poppy was so glad, he kept coming back to me, rubbing the side of his belly on my leg and often jumping up on my leg, his front paws outstretched, begging me to run my mittens on his wet fur.

Peony ran a bit outside, but when both cats asked to go back inside, that is when Peony decided to burn a bit of energy stored in those long thin legs of hers. She ran back and forth, from the living room to the bedroom and back, again and again, halfway through jumping on her brother while he was grooming on the parlor carpet.

All in all, I can say the first outing during the first snowfall of the season was a success.

***Update: Now that the cats are in, the juncos and the nuthatches are at the feeder too! ... And a downy woodpecker!

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