Honestly! Who would want to buy old, used, dusty, rusty, oily and broken motorcycle parts? I'm keeping the bikes for now, but all the bits and pieces, bags and boxes of parts that have known a better life are being dumped.
Une rivière. Une passion.
Friends of the Richelieu. A river. A passion.
"Tout cedit pays est fort uny, remply de forests, vignes & noyers. Aucuns Chrestiens n'estoient encores parvenus jusques en cedit lieu, que nous, qui eusmes assez de peine à monter le riviere à la rame. " Samuel de Champlain
Un regard bilingue plein d'amour sur la rivière Richelieu et les effets des humains sur les veines de notre planète: nos rivières
A bilingual and loving spotlight on the Richelieu River and how humans interact with the lifeblood of the planet: our rivers.
You often complain that you don't know whatever happened to your stuff. Well, I'll tell you what happens to your stuff. You leave it at somebody's place then forget about it. Again and again, that somebody asks you to take care of your stuff but you don't. So that somebody is left with the thankless job of sorting through your stuff and figuring out what to do with it, eventually just ditching the whole mess into the dumpster.