Friends of the Richelieu. A river. A passion.

"Tout cedit pays est fort uny, remply de forests, vignes & noyers. Aucuns Chrestiens n'estoient encores parvenus jusques en cedit lieu, que nous, qui eusmes assez de peine à monter le riviere à la rame. " Samuel de Champlain

"All this region is very level and full of forests, vines and butternut trees. No Christian has ever visited this land and we had all the misery of the world trying to paddle the river upstream." Samuel de Champlain

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Le Pays de Galles plonge tête première

Le gouvernement du Pays de Galles vient de s'engager à améliorer tous ses cours d'eau d'ici 2015 et les remettre dans leur état quasi naturel d'ici 2027. Les compagnies d'eau, les groupes agricoles, l'industrie et les municipalités devront agir ensemble pour régler les problèmes de pollution. Le projet portera un nom très semblable aux organismes de bassins versants du Québec. Le but est de rendre les eaux du Pays de Galles plus attrayantes pour les gens et la nature, afin d'en faire un meilleur milieu de vie pour tous.

Le projet détaillera en détails les actions collectives pour améliorer les cours d'eau du pays, comme s'attaquer au ruissellement de sources rurales et urbaines, et à la pollution des usines de traitement des eaux usées. D'autres problèmes seront adressés, comme la surexploitation de l'eau qui peut impacter la vie sauvage et les milieux humides, et les structures qui peuvent empêcher la faune de survivre dans les rivières et les ruisseaux.

Parmis la faune qui profitera de l'assainissement des cours d'eau du pays sont les loutres, les campagnols, les grenouilles, les martin-pêcheurs, les papillons et les poissons.


"River clean-up to revive wildlife

A major clean-up of Welsh rivers, lakes and coastline aims to restore them to their natural state to encourage more wildlife.
Environment Agency Wales and the assembly government aim to improve all waterways by 2015 and return them to a "near natural" condition by 2027. They aim to ensure water companies, farming groups, industry and councils work together to tackle pollution. Environment Minister Jane Davidson will launch the project later.

The intention of the River Basin Management Plans (RBMP) is to make Wales' water more attractive for both people and wildlife. This is an achievable challenge that will make Wales an even better place to live. Developed by the Environment Agency and approved last month by ministers, the plans detail how the water environment across England and Wales will be both protected and improved in light of new EU targets.

For the first time they detail how collective action will be taken to improve the nation's waterways. This includes action to tackle pollution including run-off from rural and urban sources and pollution from sewage treatment works. Other major pressures will also be addressed, including over-abstraction of water, which can affect wildlife and wetlands, and obstructions such as weirs and culverts that can prevent wildlife from thriving in rivers and streams.

The wildlife which would benefit from the clean-up includes otters, water voles, frogs, kingfishers, butterflies and fish. Ms Davidson, who will launch the project at Cardiff Bay Wetlands Reserve, said it was essential that the quality of rivers was improved and protected. "I am delighted that rivers like the Taff running through south Wales into Cardiff Bay are now cleaner than they have been for generations," she said.

"These plans set out how we intend to repeat the success so far in three other river basin areas of Wales to ensure they are healthy thriving environments for people and wildlife." Chris Mills, director of Environment Agency Wales, said although Wales' rivers are at their healthiest for over a century, more work needs to be done. "Diffuse pollution from urban and rural land uses impacts water quality, and the spread of 'non-native' species threatens Wales' natural wildlife.

"To address these issues and meet new targets not just on the Taff but across the whole of Wales' waters, everyone will need to play a part including farmers, water companies, industry, local authorities and groups such as wildlife trusts and the RSPB. "This is an achievable challenge that will make Wales an even better place to live. "We'll have even healthier, cleaner rivers and we want to see more natural waters in towns and urban locations where they're all too often hidden by too much concrete.""

From news article on BBC site here:

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