Encore cette année, ma municipalité a fêté ce qu'elle appelle la fête de l'automne, qui a déjà eu, je crois, le nom de fête des agriculteurs!
Vendredi, le 9 septembre, les enfants ont pu faire des tours de tracteurs de ferme, courtoisie des frères qui nous ont fait cadeau de porcheries d'une capacité de 5,800 porcs. Porcheries, je vous rappelle, que la majorité de la population de Richelieu a combattues bec et ongles à l'automne de 2005!
Aussi vendredi, il y avait un marché public pour faire la promotion de "produits locaux", dont le porc Nagano, distribué par les Aliments Lucyporc, filiale du Groupe Robitaille. Même groupe qui a co-signé l'invitation aux premières portes ouvertes lors du lancement des porcheries d'une capacité de 5,800 cochons à Richelieu, le diront jamais assez?
Les gens ont bien la mémoire courte!
Richelieu, my town. I can't stand it!
Again, this year, my little town held a week-end of celebration, September 9-10-11. Celebrations that where once in honor of our farming community. This year, it's to celebrate the Fall season.
Friday, kids could get farm tractor rides, thanks to the brothers who brought us the biggest yet new pig farm of our province, with a capacity to hold 5,800 pigs at a time. Just back in the fall of 2005, the whole town of Richelieu, minus a few promoters, had risen up against this CAFO!
Saturday, a farm market promoted all kinds of "local" produce, amongst which Nagano pork was featured. Nagano pork is distributed by les Aliments Lucyporc, a member of the Robitaille Group. The Robitaille Group is one of the biggest integrators in Quebec, eating up all the small farms that can't make it, in order to plant even more corn and soy crops to feed their livestock and be able to get rid of the slurry on more land. Group Robitaille also co-signed the first open door event to invite people to see the newly launched Ferme Notre-Dame pig CAFO with a capacity to hold 5,800 pigs at a time, may I remind every everybody one more time.
Wake up, people! Smell the roses, errr, rather, smell the stench!
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