BC Tap Water Alliance Media Release, October 28, 2019 ( see original post for all the referral linkswww.bctwa.org)
Attribution Science Proves Now is the Time for Canadians to Step Up
and Sue the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers and
the Alberta Energy Regulator for Cumulative Fraud
Vancouver: “Attribution Science,” an important new branch of academic learning, attributes the blame for most of the world’s atmospheric pollution directly to 90 corporations and not to consumers. The research links the demise of earth’s ecosystems, organisms, and inhabitants to the profit marketing strategies of corporations: poisoning of the earth; environmental disasters; harms to and deaths of thousands of people; extinction of natural species; melting of glaciers and sea ice; rise and acidification of the world’s oceans.
Bundled into these investigations are documents revealing corporations have known for some 60 years that the production and marketing of fossil fuels were going to cumulatively harm the planet and its inhabitants, and that they deceived and misled the public. Academics state that the strategies and techniques used “come straight out of the tobacco industry’s playbook for delaying tobacco control.”
Can Attribution Science be used to quantify water pollution by companies and how much was enabled by authorities, for example in Alberta, by deregulating, secretly altering historic baseline data and intentionally destroying groundwater protection maps? Questions about foreknowledge and intent similarly apply to the cumulative undertakings of the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers and the Alberta Energy Regulator regarding fossil fuel development, including escalation of unconventional resources. If experts and upper management promoted and developed geological formations cognizant of the outcomes of their actions, then it not only paints a disturbing and sacrilegious picture but adds a sinister motive behind the harms perpetrated to the citizenry and environment.
Is there any court that will uphold the rule of law and find guilty this malicious intent? Will Attribution Science be enough to void all rulings that order(ed) poisoned families to be settled and gagged, with judges knowing this silencing of the harmed enables the guilty to repeatedly pollute again “down the street?”
Contamination of North America’s Groundwater from Fracking (Hydraulic Fracturing) Revealed in New Case History Catalogue
Compendium 6 Released: Review by doctors and scientists of more than 1,700 references conclude frac industry poses threat to air, water, climate and human health
Encana’s Vexatious Frack-Flaring in northwest Alberta
Broken Sprocket in the Fox Creek Hub? Alberta’s “Ignorant and Brute Force” Frack Experiments
Alberta Moves to Strike Down Ernst’s Fracking Lawsuit: Landmark Case could Spark a Flood of Litigation, Lawyer Argues
Alberta’s Energy Regulator Blasted for Conflicts, Mismanagement and Misusing Millions
Legal Advice, recording of Glenn Solomon, lawyer representing the Alberta Energy Regulator